It is time for November Poetry Jam Part 2: The Return of the Empire Strikes Judgement Day: The Reckoning!!
I started thinking, what if this gets a lot of traction? The barrier for entry is pretty low. Potentially, I have resigned myself to an existence of indentured servitude to Newgrounds, a life of toil in which my earnings are funneled to a monolith as I scrape, destitute, through the dirt. But, I can't put the genie back in the bottle. What is done is done, God help me. Really though, truly, I hope that it does get a lot of traction, and I hope it helps shake someone off the creative plateau they might be on, or inspires them out of their writer's block.
Newgrounds is like the internet equivalent of one of those punk rock shows that take place in someone's basement. A close community, unique, almost unknowable from the outside. Once you're in though, you get it. Maybe it's weird or goofy to some people, but that feeling of community is worth the errant looks.
So, please, put me in the poor house people. And if you have the grit, consider joining me for a matching/challenge contribution to help support this place we love!! Don't be a wuss!!