Done! Kaput! Finished!!
This has been a fun month of of brainstorming, creating, reading and writing. This has been my first time organizing something like this, and there were a lot more lessons to learn than I expected. While I did not quite hit my dream goal of 1,000 unique submissions in the last half of the month, my bank account has heaved a sigh of relief. There is less risk of Tom spending all the money on hookers and blackjack with a smaller sum, so that can't be discounted either.
To anyone reading: thanks you if you participated, through reading, writing, conversing. I would like the writing community on Newgrounds to be stronger and small events like these are an effort to make that dream a reality. Too many times I see people (and have been one of these people) "wish we had xyz community", "wish we could do this or that". All communities have this problem, we wait for someone else to make it happen. We are ready to engage and consume but not to create or lead. We have the power to the things we want to do, to build the kinds of communities that we wished were there for us. I hope this encourages people to do so.
So that's it! Rant over! Thank you everyone for not being a wuss and putting yourself out there with your writing, and sharing what inspires you. I have to go to work but I will tallying up the results from the Jam and sending my love via wire to NG soon.
s e e y o u o n t h e b o a r d s . . .